Keep Veterans Warm Winter Charity Drive
Imagine the difference of what even just a blanket would make! Our goal is to help 100 Veterans this year that are homeless and having to suffer the cold. Help us provide some warmth and comfort to our Heroes! Shipping is free and items are tax deductible! How can you say no?

Winter 2024/2025
Amazon Gift List
Our Heroes Need Us!
Heroes Rancheros has started the Winter Charity Drive on Amazon. Please, share and donate. We want to reach 100 homeless veterans this year!! We're packing individual back packs with zero degree sleeping bags, warm clothes, gloves, beanies, blankets, socks, underwear and a basic hygiene kit this year. Keep our veterans warm!! We already know how crazy the Texas weather has been ...
Everything ships free directly to Heroes Rancheros. Add your own gift or just send one item on our list. Tax deductible receipts will be sent for 2024 in January. Thank you for supporting our homeless veterans.
Click the link!!